Cassirer Conference at the American Philosophical Association: “Cassirer
and the Neo-Kantian Legacy”

2015 APA Central Division meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, United States

Wednesday, February 18, 6:00 PM- 9:00 PM

Chair: Steve G. Lofts (University of Western Ontario)

* Lydia Patton (Virginia Tech) “Cassirer and the Human Sciences”
* Fabien Capeilleres (Universite de Caen & CEPA Paris I) “A Priori and
Transcendental Dimensions of Symbolization in Philosophy of Symbolic
* Simon Truwant (Katholieke Univeersiteit Leuven) “The Hierarchy Among
the Cultural Domains and the Forms”

Thursday, February 19, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

Chair: Fabien Capeilleres (Universite de Caen & CEPA Paris I)

* Sebastian Luft (Marquette University)”Cohen’s Idea of a Philosophy
of Culture and the Question of the Human Subject”
* Pierre Keller (University of California, Riverside)”Kant and the
Proud Name of Ontology: Between Cassirer’s Philosophy of Symbolic Forms
and Heidegger’s Being and Time”
* Steve G. Lofts (University of Western Ontario) “Response to Dr.
Pierre Keller: The Project of Ontology after Cassirer and Heidegger”