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Internationale Ernst-Cassirer-Gesellschaft



Marquette University, Milwaukee, June 18-21, 2014

organized by Sebastian Luft

The philosopher Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945) is one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth century. Indeed, he occupies, in the words of Stanford philosopher Michael Friedman, “a unique space in twentieth-century philosophy,” since he was able to navigate between “logicist” and “existential” tendencies in contemporary philosophy. For that reason, Cassirer has been promoted (by Friedman and others since then) as someone who is the central figure to overcome the fateful split between “analytic” and “continental” philosophy. Cassirer’s oeuvre is vast; it spans the history of philosophy, theoretical philosophy, the philosophy of mathematics, cultural studies and intellectual history, aesthetics, the study of language and myth, and more. At the height of his reputation in 1930, he became – as one of the only four Jews – the Rektor of a German University (Hamburg). But already three years later, Cassirer was driven out of his native Germany. He fled to England, then Sweden, before arriving in the United States in 1941, where he held visiting appointments at Yale and Columbia University. During his short time in North America, Cassirer managed to attract a circle of students, and one can only imagine how much greater his influence would have been had he lived and taught longer. Indeed, he was quickly recognized as a major figure in contemporary philosophy in the US, which is evidenced by the fact that a volume in the prestigious Library of Living Philosophers was dedicated to his work (the book was completed after his passing, in 1949, but experienced two further reprints). An Essay on Man, his penultimate book, written in English for the American audience, was on many undergraduate curricula in the post-war period. After having been eclipsed by Heidegger and the philosophers of Postmodernism, his star has been on the rise again in Europe as of the 1990s. Interest in North America has been growing steadily since around 2000. This venue is the first large-scale and international conference on the philosophy of Ernst Cassirer in North America. Speakers come from USA, Canada, Germany, Italy, France, Sweden, England, and Belgium.

The conference will take place on the campus of Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI. For more information on travel and lodging (and further conference updates), please check the following website: The conference is open to guests and visitors, but we would ask that those interested in attending RSVP to the conference organizer, Sebastian Luft ( for the purpose of catering arrangements.


Prof. Dr. Ruth Barcan Marcus, *2. August 1921 – †19. Februar 2012

Wie wir jetzt erst erfahren haben, ist unserer langjähriges Mitglied, Frau
Prof. Dr. Ruth Barcan Marcus, die am Department für Philosophie der Yale
Universität tätig war, bereits am 19. Februar 2012 verstorben. (*2. August
1921 – †19. Februar 2012) Wir werden Ihr Andenken in Ehren halten.


Unser Mitglied Prof. Dr. Massimo Ferrari weist auf den  Call for Applications der Universität Turin hin (Train To Move), der u.a. einen Schwerpunkt über “Kant und Neukantianismus” umfasst. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter:
“Train To Move (T2M) is a new international fellowship program me conceived by the University of Torino and implemented with the support of the European Commission. T2M aims at maximizing career opportunities for incoming experienced researchers through a transnational mobility experience, enriched by the development of individual research projects and by the offer of an extensive training on soft skills. Beneficiaries: T2M provides incoming fellowships to researchers, who at the time of the call deadline, have up to 7 years since PhD or have a track record in full time equivalent research activities of 4-10 years in the last ten years since MSc. Mobility can be from EU Member or Associated Countries or from other Third Countries. Fellowships will last 24 months.”
Deadline: May 5, 2014.

Applications: proposals must be submitted through the online application tool available in the intranet section of website of the program me

Zum Tode von Klaus Christian Köhnke

Die Internationale Ernst-Cassirer-Gesellschaft trauert um ihr langjähriges Mitglied
Professor Dr. Klaus Christian Köhnke, der am 24. Mai in Berlin nach schwerer Krankheit verstorben ist.

Traueranzeige der internationalen Ernst-Cassirer-Gesellschaft


Vortrag von Monika Nachtwey (Universität Leipzig) am Donnerstag, den 16. Mai 2013

Das Innovationszentrum Wissensforschung (IZW)

lädt ein zu einem Vortrag von Monika Nachtwey (Universität Leipzig)


“Wie gelingt es uns, die symbolische Bedeutung von Zeichen zu verstehen?

Charles S. Peirce’ und Ernst Cassirers Zeichentheorien im Vergleich”


Donnerstag, den 16. Mai 2013, 18:00 Uhr c.t.,

Hauptgebäude der TU Berlin, Raum H 2051

Straße des 17. Juni, 10623 Berlin


Informationen zum Vortrag von Monika Nachtwey

Tagung „Wirkung und Aktualität der Philosophie Ernst Cassirers“

Anlässlich der turnusmäßigen Mitgliederversammlung der Ernst-Cassirer-Gesellschaft landen wir vom 4. bis 6 . Oktober 2012 herzlich zu der Tagung  „Wirkung und Aktualität der Philosophie Ernst Cassirers“ ins Hamburger Warburghaus ein.


Plakat “Wirkung und Aktualität der Philosophie Ernst Cassirers”

Faltblatt “Wirkung und Aktualität der Philosophie Ernst Cassirers” (Vorderseite)

Faltblatt “Wirkung und Aktualität der Philosophie Ernst Cassirers” (Rückseite)

Bodies in Action and Symbolic Forms.

Tagung der Kolleg-Forschergruppe Bildakt und Verkörperung:

Bodies in Action and Symbolic Forms. Zwei Seiten der Verkörperungstheorie
Internationale Tagung zum Gedenken an John Michael Krois.
4.-6. November 2011.

Ankündigung & Tagungsprogrammm